Zee TV’s recently launched fiction offering, ‘Ikk Kudi Punjab Di’ is a high-octane drama that has begun to captivate audiences with its powerful storyline and well-written characters. Based in Punjab, the show is a gripping narrative of strength and resilience. In the recent episodes, viewers got to witness how Heer (Tanisha Mehta) has agreed to marry Kuldeep (Chandan Arora) without knowing that her best friend Ranjha (Avinesh Rekhi) is in love with her. However, while Kuldeep’s sister-in-law Teji (Monika Khanna) is in full support of this marriage, her husband Jarnail Singh Atwal (Manoj Chandila) is totally against this decision as Heer doesn’t belong to a rich family.
Every actor loves to experiment with their roles and tries to choose characters that challenges their craft. One such actor is Manoj Chandila who has been enjoying exploring his character on the show that has shades of grey. His character, Jarnail in the show is erratic by nature, which is indeed helping him grow as an actor. He shares how the real talent of acting lies in expressing your character even when there is no dialogue in the scene.
Manoj said, “There have been a lot of times that I’ve played negative roles in my career, but Jarnail is a bit different, he’s unpredictable, impatient, and an angry man by nature. So, thinking like him becomes difficult at times because I am very opposite of him in real life. It is challenging yet exciting; there is a lot of scope for improvisation and last-minute ad-libs. When I don’t have any dialogue in the scene, I have to give my 100% with just the facial expressions, and I think, that is the kind of acting I want to ace in. I am very grateful for Jarnail, I hope the audience loathes him, which will prove I am doing something right as an actor.”
Well, Manoj is doing complete justice to his on-screen character Jarnail, it will be interesting for the viewers to watch what will happen to Ranjha as Heer has agreed to marry Kuldeep against her will and for her family’s happiness. Will Ranjha try to break this marriage or will he let the love of his life marry someone else?